DM response

#elxn42: “I will make ending violence against women a personal priority” – Tom Mulcair responds to Highway of Tears petition

“I believe one of the most urgent priorities of any government should be to put an end to the violence experienced by women, and disproportionately by too many Indigenous women and girls. An NDP government will initiate an inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women within the first 100 days of taking office. 

We will also work with women’s groups and Indigenous families, communities and organizations to establish a comprehensive National Action Plan to end violence against women and girls, with dedicated funding and benchmarks. The plan would encompass a number of factors, including: education and training on human rights and gender-based violence, prevention initiatives, and intensive work with perpetrators. It would provide support for research, tools to address new and emerging forms of violence such as cyberbullying, specific programming for communities with particular needs and national public education campaigns on violence against women and girls.


This is a complex problem, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t find solutions. Rather than continuing to ignore the disproportionate violence faced by women, as previous governments have done, I am committed to ensuring that as your Prime Minister I will make ending violence against women a personal priority.” 

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October 13, 2015 8:53 pm